Organising Committees

Scientific Organising Committee

Given Cedric’s keen interest in the next generation of steroid researchers, we would like to specifically attract and support early career researchers to participate in the meeting and present their work. This is also reflected in the composition of the scientific organising committee, which in the majority comprises early and mid-career researchers, several of whom previously trained in Birmingham but now run their own independent, steroid-focussed groups elsewhere:

Wiebke Arlt, Birmingham, UK
Irina Bancos, Rochester, MN, USA
Tülay Guran, Istanbul, Turkey
James Hawley, Manchester, UK
Johannes Hofland, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Michael W. O’Reilly, Dublin, Ireland
Alessandro Prete, Birmingham, UK
Nicole Reisch, Munich, Germany
Karl Storbeck, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Angela Taylor, Birmingham, UK
Dimitra A. Vassiladi, Athens, Greece
Stefan Wudy, Giessen, Germany

Local Organising Committee

Wiebke Arlt, Birmingham, UK
James Hawley, Manchester, UK
Alessandro Prete, Birmingham, UK
Angela Taylor, Birmingham, UK

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